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Mexico Postal codes API with Django
Mexico Postal codes API with Django
Do you need to get the data associated with a postal code in Mexico for your Django application? I wrote a small library called django-postalcodes-mexico that downloads postal codes from SEPOMEX (México’s Postal Codes official site) and creates an API endpoint that allows you to query a postal code in Mexico and receive the colonias that belong to that postal code, as well as their state and municipality.
If you are going to develop a REST API, I have a post with multiple REST API design recommendations that may help you.
For this example I use Python 3.8, Django 3.2.5 and Pipenv version 2020.5.28.
To install it we are going to use Pipenv , but you can use Poetry, pip or any other virtual environment manager.
pip install django-postalcodes-mexico django
django-admin startproject codigosPostalesMx .
python migrate
Next we install the package by adding it to INSTALLED_APPS in our configuration file.
We execute the migrations. This will create the tables needed to manage the postal codes.
python migrate
What about a full Django Course?
AdTo master Django you must understand how it works, how a HTTP request goes to the router, which pass the request data to the appropiate function (or class) and then how you can Django's ORM to interact with the database and return a response if you want a detailed explanation of each step, educative has a course on that, certificate included, and Python is covered (in case you don't know Python) link below.
Obtaining Mexico’s postal codes from SEPOMEX
Now that the tables have been created we are going to install the Mexico postal codes directly from the SEPOMEX page with a single Django command.
python importpostalcodesmx
Trying to connect to Mexican Postal Service (Correos de Mexico)
Response received
This process can take a few minutes, please be patient
Creating database...
The postal code database has been successfully populated
That’s all, now we just need to import include and add our urls. I put the path api/ but you can use the one you want.
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, include
from django_postalcodes_mexico import urls as django_postalcodes_mexico_urls
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('api/', include(django_postalcodes_mexico_urls)),
Obtaining information from a postal code
If we now make a request api/09000/ or any other 5-digit postal code we will receive a JSON response with the municipality, state and a list of neighborhoods.
curl localhost:8000/api/09000/
{"codigoPostal": "09000", "municipio": "Iztapalapa", "estado": "Ciudad de M\u00e9xico", "colonias": ["La Asunci\u00f3n", "San Ignacio", "San Jos\u00e9", "San Lucas", "San Pablo", "San Pedro", "Santa B\u00e1rbara"]}
A non-existent postal code will return a 404 status.
While an invalid postal code will return a 400 error and an error message
Read the short official documentation in my github repository for more information.