Eduardo Zepeda

Eduardo Zepeda
Web developer and GNU/Linux enthusiast. I believe in choosing the right tool for the job and that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Better done than perfect. I also believe in the goodnesses of cryptocurrencies outside of monetary speculation.

A little bit more about me

Graduated from CUCEI. I learned almost all that I know about web developing by reading and practicing the content enclosed in this pile of books . I even reviewed some of them. However, lately I’ve been experimenting with online platforms like: Educative , Udemy and Platzi too.

I possess the Microsoft AZ-900 Fundamentals Certification

I’m a fan of solving katas on Codewars . I’m 2 kyu now, just one more Kyu to go!

Code wars badge

Wanna see some cool projects? Check out my portfolio on my personal website

I’m proficient developing in GNU/Linux environments (I’m a obsessed Debian user since late 2010).

My non-tech hobbies oh no! I’m a weeb!

I am passionate about art cinema, anime and manga. I have a deep affection for videogames, however I have become picky when it comes to choose a new title to play.

I’m a fervant reader, mainly science fiction. However I also enjoy reading science essays, blogs, books on technology, business topics and philosophy.

I’m a proud coffee nerd that is keen to find promising places to drink speciality coffee.

I am a teetotaler and do not smoke.