With django and reportlab we can generate PDFs dynamically, using information from our database, user input or any other …
On Saturday, August 6, 2022 I sat for and approved my Microsoft Azure AZ-900 certification exam.
What does AZ-900 …
A sitemap is an xml file that functions as a map to navigate your site. Hence the name; Site-map. Search engines, such …
As you probably already know, you should not use prints for debugging. The standard go logging library is much more …
Containers, especially Docker containers, are used everywhere, we tend to see them as small isolated operating systems …
Solr, together with Lucene, is an outstanding search engine that allows you to perform searches with advanced features. …
Previously I explained you how to implement full text search in Django and trigrams-and-search-rank using Postgres. Solr …
A git submodule is a record within a git repository that points to a commit in an external repository. They are handled …
What is codewars? Codewars is a social network of programmers who get together to challenge each other to solve code …
How do I design a REST API? How many levels should I nest my related resources? Relative or full URLs? This post is a …