On June 21, 2024 I started a thread on reddit with the following question: “What would you improve about Django …
Sometimes we want to put an email on a website but without exposing it to be read by some random bot that includes us in …
This is my analysis of some of the most popular captcha options out there and my opinion as a user on their advantages …
A few years ago, I migrated my website a couple of times, first from Wordpress to Frontity (A wordpress framework in …
Since ChatGPT rapidly surpassed the record of user growth, artificial intelligence is almost omnipresent in the modern …
This post is for you, who want to become independent from companies and are looking to create your own projects in the …
Working with Javascript is frustrating and, sometimes, combining it with HTML can be desperate due to its lack of …
Today this unholy news became popular, that an “AI Software Engineer” with the name Devin, made by Cognition …
It is no secret that these days software, in general, is trending towards a SAAS business model. However if you were …
The uses of artificial intelligence go beyond solving coding problems , and regardless of whether this artificial …