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Trigrams and advanced searches with Django and Postgres

Trigrams and advanced searches with Django and Postgres

What if a user’s finger slips on the keyboard and types “parfume” instead of “perfume”. We probably don’t want our user to leave the site because he didn’t find any “parfume” on our website. Our website should return the results that most closely match what they are looking for. See how an experienced ecommerce handles it:

Search for the word “parfume” on amazon

Don’t you remember the basic searches in Django? I have a post about basic searches and full text search using Django and Postgres , if you haven’t read it take a look there first.

Trigrams in Django and Postgres

But how does our application know that when a user types “parfume” they probably mean “perfume”?

The reason why parfume resembles perfume is because both contain similar trigrams.

Trigram? Yes, trigram, of three and gram. **A trigram is three consecutive characters, it’s as simple as that.

Automata trigrams schematic

Trigrams are three consecutive characters

Trigrams and similar words

According to Postgres , we can tell how similar two strings are by comparing the number of trigrams they share, and Django provides functions to work with trigrams.

Videogame.objects.filter(name__trigram_similar="automatta") # it should say automata
<QuerySet [<Videogame: Nier automata>]>
Videogame.objects.filter(name__trigram_similar="autommattaa") # it should say automata
<QuerySet [<Videogame: Nier automata>]>
#...FROM "videogame_videogame" WHERE UNACCENT("videogame_videogame"."name") % UNACCENT(autommata)

View the trigrams for the word “automata” directly from the postgres terminal

SELECT show_trgm('automata');
 {"  a"," au",ata,aut,mat,oma,"ta ",tom,uto}

Now look at the trigrams for “automatta” (if you didn’t notice, this one has a double “t”).

SELECT show_trgm('autommattaa');
 {"  a"," au","aa ",att,aut,mat,mma,omm,taa,tom,tta,uto}

Can you notice how they both share some trigrams (a, au, aut, mat, tom, uto)?

Shared trigrams between two text strings

Also note that the quotation marks around certain trigrams are to specify trigrams with spaces.

The number of trigrams shared by a pair of text strings can be expressed by means of an index. The more trigrams shared, the higher this index will be.

We can find the similarity index, according to their trigrams, between two words from the postgres terminal.

SELECT word_similarity('outer worlds', 'wilds');

Sort by similarity with trigrams

What if we want our Django search to find even those words that match in a smaller number of trigrams?

Using the Django ORM with the TrigramSimilarity function we can filter those results by setting a similarity threshold between a search word and our data.

If you don’t remember what Django annotate is for, I have a post where I explain django annotate and aggregate, as well as their differences

from import TrigramSimilarity

results = Videogame.objects.annotate(similarity=TrigramSimilarity('name', 'wilds'), ).filter(similarity__gt=0.1).order_by('-similarity')
<QuerySet [<Videogame: Outer wilds>, <Videogame: Outer worlds>]> # With a similarity index of 0.1, the words wilds y worlds match
# 0.5
# ...SIMILARITY("videogame_videogame"."name", wilds) AS "similarity" FROM "videogame_videogame" WHERE SIMILARITY("videogame_videogame"."name", wilds) > 0.1 ORDER BY "similarity" DESC

Search rank to sort by relevance

If a user searches for a laptop and your application first shows them laptop cases, laptop backpacks, other related items and then laptops, you are providing an inadequate user experience.

Search for the word &ldquo;laptop&rdquo; on amazon

Search Rank allows you to sort user searches by relevance, so that your user finds exactly what they are looking for first and then everything else.

from import SearchQuery, SearchRank, SearchVector

vector = SearchVector('name')
query = SearchQuery('days')
results = Videogame.objects.annotate(rank=SearchRank(vector, query)).order_by('-rank')
# 0.0607927
# ... ts_rank(to_tsvector(COALESCE("videogame_videogame"."name", )), plainto_tsquery(days)) AS "rank" FROM "videogame_videogame" ORDER BY "rank" DESC

Search Rank, with the help of the to_tsvector and plainto_tsquery function, will sort our search results according to the matches it finds between the vector and the query and **return each of the results of our query with a rank property that shows the value for its respective element.

Assign importance by field

In a search, not all fields should matter equally

Imagine you have a book database and a Book model with a title field and a content field. If a user searches for “magic” books, it would probably be correct to return books that contain “magic” in the title, such as “Magic spells and ceremonies” or “Magic rituals” or “History of magic”.

On the other hand, Harry Potter books also relate to user interests, as they mention the word “magic” multiple times in their description, however, you probably want your search to prioritize those that contain the word “magic” in the title, not in the description.

Explanation of relevance according to the field

With Posgres the above is possible.

To do this, we assign a weight, weighting, priority or whatever you want to call it, in the form of a letter, to each search vector, together with the name of the field to which it corresponds, and we join them into one.

We can choose between the letters “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”. Each letter will have a different value of relevance in our search; “A” for the highest value and “D” for the lowest.

from import SearchQuery, SearchRank, SearchVector
vector = SearchVector('title', weight='A') + SearchVector('descripcion', weight='B')
query = SearchQuery('Magic')
Book.objects.annotate(rank=SearchRank(vector, query)).filter(rank__gte=0.3).order_by('rank')

Exactly they have the following values:

  • D = 0.1
  • C = 0.2
  • B = 0.4
  • A = 1.0

These values can be overwritten to suit your needs, according to the type of business and models you use.

Book.objects.annotate(rank=SearchRank(vector, query), weights=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.9]).filter(rank__gte=0.3).order_by('rank').filter(rank__gte=0.3).order_by('rank')

In the example above, I have rewritten the original values and decreased the values of the letters “D”, “C”, “B” so that they represent a much smaller percentage compared to the letter “A”.

Django Libraries for advanced searches

Perhaps your search needs are much more advanced than those provided by the Django ORM combined with Postgres. But, unless you are developing something that will revolutionize the search industry, someone has already gone through the same problem. There are generic solutions, such as Solr and Django-haystack , that save you from writing many, many lines of code. Some examples are:

Eduardo Zepeda
Web developer and GNU/Linux preacher. Maturity over novelty, better done than perfect. I used to believe in the goodness of cryptocurrencies outside of monetary speculation.
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