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Go: loops for, break, continue, defer, if and else
Go: loops for, break, continue, defer, if and else
This entry will deal with loops in the go programming language.
Go handles loops a little differently than what you are used to. If you’re already fluent in any other programming language, you probably remember while, do while and for loops. And if you come from Python or Javascript, you’ll remember how useful for x in or for x of loops are.
Well, as there are more than enough loops for. Yes, there is no while or do while. But then how do I use the rest of the loops? Read on and I’ll explain.
If you don’t know anything about Go and want to start with the basics visit my entry Golang: introduction, variables and data types .
If you currently use Python and want to see how it is different from Go, visit my python vs go post.
If and else
If_ and else allow you to execute blocks of code conditionally and keep the same syntax as in almost all languages.
if true {
} else {
else if
And of course go also has an else if.
edad := 18
if edad < 18 {
} else if edad > 18 {
} else {
fmt.Println("Exactly 18 years old")
Why not go beyond Go's fundamentals to something more advanced
AdThe other day I found this Go course that you could find handy so now I'm sharing it with you, it deals with Go's core constructs, advanced concepts like error-handling and networking, efficient programming techniques and common pitfalls of this badass language.
Loops for in go
In go there are several types of for loops: counter, conditional, range and infinite.
Loops with counter in Go
This is the classic loop that you already know from Javascript, C++, etc. In which you declare a variable, specify a condition, and make changes to the variable.
We declare “i” equal to 0, as long as “i” is less than 10, it executes the next block and subsequently increments “i” by one, each instruction separated by a semicolon.
for i:= 0; i < 10; i++ {
// ...
Loop with conditional or while loops in go
In this type of loop a condition is evaluated, if the result is true, the block is executed, if not, that block of code is skipped.
counter := 0
for counter < 10 {
counter ++
Golang’s loops with range
Range allows us to traverse an iterable structure from beginning to end and allows us to access the respective index and element. It is ideal for traversing arrays, strings, slices, maps, channels and any structure that can be traversed.
HelloWorld := "Hello world"
for index, letra := range HelloWorld {
fmt.Printf("%d %c \n", index, letra)
0 H
1 e
2 l
3 l
4 o
6 w
7 o
8 r
9 l
10 d*/
Infinite loop
A for loop without condition will run forever.
The only way to get out of an infinite for loop is with a break.
counterForever := 0
for {
As I just mentioned, break breaks a loop and continues code execution.
counterForever := 0
for {
if counterForever > 5 {
fmt.Println("The loop breaks here")
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
// 5
// 6
// The loop breaks here
Break in loops with name in go
In other programming languages, such as Python, break would break the immediate loop, i.e. the immediate loop it is in. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to stop the outer loop from the inner loop? In go it is possible in a simple way
while True:
while True:
println("main loop is executing")
# main loop is executing
# main loop is executing
# main loop is executing
Go allows us to assign names to the loops, what for? To reference specific loops and be able to break them using break. Take a look at this example:
for {
for {
fmt.Println("Breaking external loop")
break loop
fmt.Println("This will never get printed")
We name our loop as loop and now we execute an infinite loop that will have an infinite loop inside it. This last loop will break the outer loop, named loop, so the second statement will never be printed on the screen.
Continue stops the current iteration of the loop and continues its execution in the next iteration.
counter := 0
for counter < 10 {
counter ++
if counter == 3 {
fmt.Println("We skip number 3")
//We skip number 3
Defer delays the execution of a line of code until the end of the code. It is quite similar to what the defer attribute with HTML script tag does.
defer fmt.Println("This will be executed at the end")
fmt.Println("This will be executed firstly")
fmt.Println("This will be executed secondly")
// This will be executed firstly
// This will be executed secondly
// his will be executed at the end
What’s the point? Well, it is ideal to close connections to databases, files or to make some type of cleaning to the objects of our code.
const dbConnection := openDb()
defer closeDb()
For the next Go entry I’m going to talk about the basics of slices, arrays and maps.
Remember that you can visit the official go documentation if there is anything you want to learn more about.